Are you ready? After the release of the interview There Will Be a party! Where your fall inspired outfit because a best dresssed competition will happen the winner wins an SS Gift! And FindurLove might even show up at the realease party which is taking place NOW! Go Now :) Dress your medoll up and chat WITH ME and chill with other sjers waiting for the release of the findurlove interview! Findurlove might even show up her self to answer the SJ followers questions! If you are not a follower of sj you may not come to the party So FOLLOW! 26 minutes now you guys! Cant wait for you to see it! xxJucii
UPDATE: THE RELASE HAS BEN PUT OFF 25 MINUTES because of minor details
IN 45 MINUTES IT WILL RELEASE! (the counter is wrong)
UPDATE: Release party has finished! Thank You to the 5 SJers that showd up!
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